Which pre/pro under 3k?

Hi All,

I recently purchased a new Panasonic plasma (VT60).

To get the most out of it I need to connect to a processor via HDMI. I have an Arcam AV8 that has no HDMI switching/audio. So, I'm planning to replace the Arcam with a pre/pro. The question I need help with is, which pre/pro?

My current system is:
Amp: Bel Canto 500s (250 watts into 8 ohms)
Speakers: Ohm 100 S3 (6 ohms)
CD/DVD: Arcam FMJDV139 (to be replaced by an Oppo 103 or 105)
Synergistic Research IC's and cables

My budget for a pre/pro is $3,000 and 'used' is fine.

I use the system for 50% 2CH and 50% HT.

Thanks in advance for your pre/pro recommendations.

Several years ago, during the research before I bought my Onkyo, I AB'd a pair of AVRs (Denon?) at a local Magnolia AV showroom just for that purpose. It was one of the few places equipped for rapid switching of AVRs for A/B testing. Unfamiliar room, unfamiliar system, centerboard switching in-line, etc. are appropriate caveats to my final judgement.

I recall that the difference between the AVRs featuring diifferent Audyssey versions was subtle (and might have been due in part to other distinctions between the models) , but that I preferred the xt-32 version for greater clarity/definition in (roughly) the 1 1/2 octaves below middle A. Complex rhythm lines on bass guitar, synth, and/or stand-up bass just popped. Vocals (right up into the middle of most song's vocal range) also seemed generally cleaned up a bit and, overall, I was sold on xt-32.

Once I settled on x-t32, I did decide to save a few bucks with the Onkyo vs the Integra variation. BTW, I've also done less formal A/B comparisons with my own Integra non-xt32 AVR vs my Onkyo xt-32 equipped pre-pro and reached a similar conclusion. I do like xt-32 equipped models better, but it's never Audyssey A/B'd in a vacuum.

For me, the Onkyo's price tag of just over $1500 made it a pretty easy call, because it was still a helluva lot cheaper than the ARC, Joule, etc that I'd previously used. Given that the differences were subtle, I can't say that it's a clear cut call. Were I making a strictly rational value decision, I might have opted to save the money and pass on xt-32.

Look at the Antherm MRX 510 and 710 as well. They are receivers but lots of folks are using them as pre/pro's. Their room correction (ARC) is supposed to be one of, if not the best in the business and they forego some of the frills of the Denon and Onkyo's of the world in favor of better specs and sonic performance. I'm replacing my aged Onkyo 805 with the 510 and have auditioned it an was very impressed. Haven't received mine yet, but its on he way! My Onkyo has served me well but stories of poor quality in recent years have scared me away from them.
I followed a version of the path suggested by Avgoround. I replaced a Cary Cinema 11a with a Parasound JC-2 analog preamp. I had been using only analog bypass inputs to the Cary. If you buy an Oppo 105, that could serve as your processor. It does speaker and bass management, can switch among several digital inputs, optical. SP/DIF, and HDMI, and has fine analog audio and superb video. I connect a DirecTV HD-DVR via HDMI to the Oppo to use its superior audio and video. Stereo from the Oppo goes to the JC-2.

In my case, I need the separate preamp to accommodate a Sony XA5400ES and a JC-3 phono stage. I marked the volume control of the JC-2 at the level where it matched the surrounds direct from the Oppo to the amps using an SPL meter. Parasound offers a by-pass mod that does this with a switch, but I've yet to return mine to the factory. If you only want to play discs and TV, then you need only an Oppo 105 connected directly to your amp, and that connection can be 7.1 if your amp has the inputs. You'll want to use the stereo outputs from the Oppo for the front LR channels so you get the best sound, but the manual will tell you how to set that up.

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