Which Solid State Amplifier is Making you Happy?

I'm trying to find a new amplifier to replace a Musical Fidelity A3CR. There are lots of candidates: Rowland 501s, Pass Labs 350.5, Levinson 431/432, H2O, etc. What are people using and what has been a good sonic investment? I'm currently driving B&W N803s, so it's a pretty normal load. My MF amp does not offer enough punch or bass control. It flattens out at higher volumes. I'll spend what it takes, new or used. Less than $8K would be nice. All comments welcome.
05-12-05: Drken
There is no better amplification for B&W Naut that Kraft/symphonic line. This is coming from some one who worked for a B&W dealer. This is a german line of equipment that is awsome!
Drken (Threads | Answers)
Thread i found on the Symphonic Line to try to help some.
I feel www.aberdeencomponents.com's modified amps are some of the best amps available.
Ayre V5X on top, Levinson 332 on bottom of biamped system. Goosebumps and chills and sweet music....