which speakers for low watt power amp?

My power amp is 75watt mono tube blue circle bc2.
Which speakers are best match?
Ho i need high dB? should i go for lower watt speakers or higher?
Please list some brands also.
Do you have a price range : about $3000 to $8000
size room : 18x20 but its a L shape room.
prefer floorstand speakers. If possible 12" or 15"
is tannoy glenair suitable?
The Glenairs could be a great option for you (either the 10"s or 15"s). The Turnberry's would also be one to consider.

Do you happen to have a Tannoy dealer local?

****Please note that I am a Tannoy dealer here in the US****

Thanks taylor
O . the glenair 10 and 15 is a good match? great. What's the difference between 10 and 15 inch speakers? is it clearer?
75 Watts is plenty for most speakers, but if you really want sensitive speakers, check out Zu Audio. The Omen Def would fit your bill quite easily. Brilliant company, and speakers. Klipsch also makes high sensitivity speakers, with horns. :-)
