Which SS integrated amp to choose?

Guys, will appreciate your recommendations for a good sounding second-hand SS integrated amp with output power 100-150 w (at 8 ohm), weight up to 30 kg, budget up to 4K, age starting around 2000. My list now includes Gryphon (Atilla, Callisto 2100/2200), PassLabs INT150, Luxman 507/509. Not on my list are Hegel, Accuphase, Parasound, Marantz. Looking for balanced, on a warmer side, detailed, open, full bodied sound at my SF Guarneri speakers (86 dB, 6 Ohm). Feel free just to name the option or suggest yours. Thanks!

     I don’t own one but extensively heard the Mark Levinson 5805 integrated at a local hi-end shop driving both Magico and Sonus Faber speakers. It sounded so good that I bought a fairly expensive pre-owned ML 326S preamp just to try and capture some of the 5805's excellent qualities in my system, I was told the 5805 basically incorporated the 326S as its preamp section. It worked like a charm even though I use high powered class D mono-block amps and Magnepan 3.7i speakers in my system.
     The main qualities I was attracted to were the 5805’s very well defined 3 dimensional soundstage it presented, its high levels of neutrality and detail along with its palpable and natural perception that the musicians were in the room, or being transported to the venue, depending on the recording. 
     However, it may not be warm enough for your tastes and pre-owned prices are likely well beyond $2K. But it matches your power and weight requirements and it sounds spectacular.

You should take a look at the Aesthetic Mimas. It's the most musical integrated amplifier I have ever heard. I liked it much better than the Luxman with my speakers, Harbeth Super HL5+. You should try to hear it with your speakers though. Good Luck!
Sorry, I forgot to mention that the Mimas is a hybrid amplifier with a single tube for each channel. Based on your original post, this may not be an option for you.
buy pre-owned

my choice ...REGA OSIRIS integrated amp rules ..
my 2nd choice .... LFD LFD NCSE II Integrated Amplifier

i’d try to stretch to a mint condition ML 585 for 6-7k. A true high end product and extreme value. Has a great dac built in also.