Since your Bel Canto has balanced inputs, you might consider the Atma-Sphere MP-1 preamp with phono stage. Frankly I have no first-hand (or even second-hand) experience with the combination, but if your priorities are "speed, dimensionality, and tubelike upper midrange" then Atma-Sphere is well worth considering. I can tell you that Atma-Sphere preamps work very well with Jeff Rowland's IcePower amplifiers, which are conceptually similar to the Bel Canto unit. Ralph Karsten (of Atma-Sphere) thinks his preamps are a more significant step up than his well-respected OTL amplifiers are. I can tell you that the phono stage in the MP-1 is superb. Oh in case it isn't obvious by now, I'm an Atma-Sphere dealer. If by chance you don't have an Atma-Sphere dealer nearby and might be interested, give me a holler.
Best of luck in your quest!
Best of luck in your quest!