[please excuse my poor English]
The ESS AMT will shine when played using a high current solid state amp, but they don’t do nearly as well on tubes.
In these videos, I went to extremes to match the volumes...
Thanks !! The difference is obvious: significantly more defined when powered by solid state.
But is this difference of "behaviour" (with SS vs tubes) specific to the ESS AMT tweeter? It seems the possible answer is YES: ESS 689-1108, for instance, has a 4 Ohm impedance. A 4 Ohms load will always require a lot more current to sing.
But, for instance, this Mundorf AMT tweeter (8 Ohms, 1,8Kg, and...$1145/piece!!) will need much less current, has a sensitivity of 100 dB => I guess any tube could deal with that. And then here, tube could be better through this transducer.
And, again, that speaker uses an AMT (unknown origin), and is a 8 Ohms load, min. 6,8 Ohms. Again, I am not affiliated to JMR in any way, but it is outstanding for the price.
- the videos brilliantly demonstrate that high current SS are specifically preferable with the aforementioned ESS AMT tweeter, indeed.
- But to make a general assessment that SS are a better match, on the base of only one model, is maybe misleading, as the Mundorf’s specification suggest (maybe others would, too).
- It is possible that some other (high end? Expensive?) AMT tweeters easily accept tubes as well as SS, and does not favor the latter. So that their respective merits can more objectively shine through AMT’s. This could be the explanation of @danager ’s preference for tubes-with-AMT (cf. his very good experience with 12w SET tubes), who probably did his findings that with another AMT tweeter in use.