Which USB reclocker is as good as the Innuos Phoenix USB?

I read a lot about the Innuos Phoenix USB and everyone sings its praises even owners of expensive gear. The problem is that it is expensive.

There are other reclockers like iPurifier3, the Ideon Audio USB Re-clocker 3R, or the SOtM tX-USBultra USB Audio Reclocker. In forums the feedback is that the Phoenix beats a lot of the reclockers.

Does anyone have experience with a USB reclocker that does as good job as the Phoenix USB?


@sns I believe that reviewer on head-fi (muski) is doing pretty well for himself and his system. This is his gear:

  • Devialet Expert 1000 Pro $35000
  • DAVE DAC $14000
  • Innuos PhoenixUSB $3195
  • Focal Utopia $2600
  • Sonore OpticalRendu $1895

Total: $48340

With such a system there is no way he forgot to add a decent linear power supply

Post removed 

omg -- this thread is quickly becoming the sweaty armpit of audiogon 😆

To the OP I deleted my posts. I promised myself I wouldn’t comment on reclocker threads. If someone wants to believe this stuff then they will. I apologize for the interruption.  Carry on.