Mijostyn, I just searched for the HiFiGuy digital stylus force gauge on Amazon, and what comes up is exactly like the digital SFGs on eBay, for which I provided a URL as an example in my above post. That is not at all like the Ortofon DS3, which is shown in the URL provided by Vassilis, above. What makes you say otherwise? Funnily enough, Amazon wants about $4 more for it (or 33% more) than do any of the vendors on eBay for the same item, even the same brand name. Typical of their mark-up.
Jokes on me; I paid $100 for my older digital SFG (not the DS3), about twice the then going rate, because mine has an all-metal body.
Jokes on me; I paid $100 for my older digital SFG (not the DS3), about twice the then going rate, because mine has an all-metal body.