Which Wadia a better buy in value terms?

I hv been offered two mint condition CDPs - a Wadia 850 (first owner, about 2 years) for $2,300 and a Wadia 860 (more than 2 years, probably 2nd owner) for $3,700. I can't decide which to go for...while I don't mind paying slightly more for the 860 so that I enjoy "upgrad-a-bility" to a 861 later, I wonder if I should just settle for the 850 and forget about the hype! Could you share with me the REAL sonic difference between the two i.e. 850 & 860 and is the premium worth it? Much thanks.
If you really want the truth instead of opinions,most of them b.s. call steve huntley at area 651-578-0657.Steve worked for Wadia for many years his business is repair and upgrade to wadia and arc products .When I spoke to him yesterday he was on his way to the wadia factory to pick up parts.
Yea, Steve has an (at least?) intrim contract to manage all service and support for Wadia products during their "reorganization." He also does customized upgrades to all Wadia models that are proported to take them well beyond the stock, factory upgrades (which I assume he does as well at the moment). This, in a clear sense, could address concerns regarding the "non-upgradability" of the 850. He'd be happy to upgrade one.
I have heard a Wadia 860x in may system (audio artistry-Rowland) and it was very good. But the new Muse 9 signature CDP was better in every aspect. At 3800$ its a stellar performer!!