which would you buy?

The Kef q900 or the Golden ear triton 7? Both about the same price $1500.

Room is about 15 x 15. No sub wanted. (Apt/condo)
The triton 7 sounded good but I haven't heard the Kef but they get good reviews. I listened to the new paradigm prestige 85f? They were nice but over my budget at 2k per speaker. I did hear a kef r700 that was also over budget at $1700 per speaker and sounded too large for my room. So I thought the cheaper kef or triton might work well.
No, I bought the Magneplanar 1.7s and couldn't be happier. I have enough listening space to have them about 4' out into the living room. I took my wife with me for final auditions and we played one of her favorite pieces, the opening to Mendelssohn's cantata, Elijah, which has full orchestra and a chorus singing 8 different parts. She could easily differentiate the inner voices on the Magnepans but not on the Triton Sevens. That settled it for us, and the imposing 19"x65" panel size didn't faze her at all when it comes to the music. She's a keeper.

I have heard the Regas several times, however, and they have a very natural presentation and good in-room dispersion.
Teflonscoundrel: Double ditto on those very fine Kef Q900s. They continue giving me immense pleasure.