Who and what are BEL/Bell Labs amplifiers

I have noted several times the existence of a company called BEL or BELL Labs and their amps seem to be geared towards the high end market, and yet, I cannot find any sort of information about them, just the fact that they sometimes appear in the used market. What sort of company is or was BEL/BELL and what is the typical sound and look of their units. Are they simply a relic or are they just some very well kept secret. Is there are website with detail description of them?
They're made (don't know if they are still made) by a fellow named Dick Brown, and his company name is B.E.L.
(Brown Electronic Laboratories). I haven't heard one in years, but I did hear the 100 watt pre channel version for a couple of years in the early 80's, and it was pretty good sounding. Not quite as smooth sounding as the Spectral DMA-100, but still very nice. That amp was built like a tank, very plain looking, but good sounding. Also, at the time I think the amps were less expensive than the spectral gear.

Check out this link:

http://www.audiocircuit.com/9121-solidsamplifier-circuit/Commercial/BrownElectronicLaboratories-BRO/9121CMBRO.htm , also just do a search on Brown Electronic Laboratories and you'll get some good hits.

Good luck,

BEL is Brown Electronic Labs. Richard Brown designed and marketed his 1001 amplifier in the early 80s for about $1295. For a time he offered a double version called the 2002 but that was shortlived The current version of the 1001 sells for at least $4K. It is a class A, 50 watt stereo amp bridgeable to 200 watts mono. I used to sell them for BEL and had a pair of my own. There has never been factory advertising although during the 90s several dealers ran ads in the stereo mags.
The amp itself has the cosmetic appeal of Adcom and performance that approaches SOTA. You can find a used one on Agon for $1500-$1700. If you have moderately efficient speakers you will find that it is very competitive in that used price range. I don't attempt to describe sound so I'll leave that to someone else. Tom Miiller championed this amp in TAS during the 90s and his reviews will leave you panting to own one.
Another source of information is to do a search on audioasylum.com under BEL. Lots of chat there.
there was a bell labs from the 50's. tube stuff made to
compete with the the well known makers,fisher, marantz,scott
etc. i found one in the trash model 30-30.nice little
tube amp. 6v6 output tubes(ge's), 12ax7 preamp& drivers(telefunkens). the tubes are probably worth more than the unit cost new.