Who are some of elite sub woofers?

Looking to replace Klipsch 12d

So many choices.
Ag insider logo xs@2xawooof
I regret using the word elite. Unintended consequences! I should have listed price points.

I had not thought of just adding more subs. Might be best idea.

Just trying to see what is popular in this price range.

Thanks for all the replies.

bdp24 wrote: "I understand the subs in a swarm design all reproduce a combined left plus right (monaural) signal, even on material containing stereo bass (rare, but not unheard of). Is that correct?"

That’s normally true of the system I make. The amplifier I use is the Dayton Audio SA-1000, part number 300-811 at Parts Express, normally one to drive all four subs. So you can get that amp and four passive subs connected in series-parallel and that’s pretty much what I do.

"Is there any out-of-phase (left minus right), very low frequency, info lost when doing so?"

Could be.

Some of my customers opt for using two amplifiers, instead of a single amp to drive all four subs. This way they can send the left channel signal to the left-side-of-the-room subs, and the right channel signal to the right-side-of-the-room subs.

I think most of my customers who are using two amps use the variable phase controls to set the subs roughly 90 degrees apart, in "phase quadrature". This synthesizes partially out-of-phase conditions at the left and right side, increasing the sense of envelopment or immersion. Credit to David Griesinger for this technique. Then if you have a recording that you know has true stereo bass information, you’re just a phase-knob-twiddle away from hearing it fully.


yes Duke for those of us running Vandersteen floor standers w built in subs and EQ adding more vanderyEq subs gets most If not all the swarm effect. There is some spatial info above the filter, so placement is still important.

what is amazing and should be celebrated are the amazing choices we have in high quality and affordable subs, elite or not so much...

as an aside for the OP and perhaps others...

buy, read and try out many of the tips in Jim Smiths excellent book - Get Better Sound

buy an SPL meter and a test disc or download Vandertones for free - see what your room is doing...and begin to correlate that to what you hear...

listen to just your sub......hm........not all much there..are ya sure you need it ? or need it that loud....

I would go with REL.  They are less detectable and they create a 3 dimensional sound stage.  
I have one SVS SB16-Ultra and really like it.  I had the SB13-Ultra for about a year when the SB16 came out ... I simply traded it in for full purchase price and upgraded to the SB16.  Very good customer service / trade-up policy.  I'd add this one to your list if you are one of the "masses" or if your interested in a reasonably priced subwoofer on Stereophile's Recommended List "A".