Who did hear the new Pass Labs .8 series amps?

I am thinking of buying a new .8 series poweramp from Pass Labs. I had some email contact about it with Pass. But I am curious about those who already listend to them. I am thinking about the 350.8.
I already read this info on another website. I still have to buy the amp. For Oled you have to wait another year for normal prices for big screens.

I am surprised that there are not atricles of the new Pass Lab .8 series amps in magazines.
You are welcome, Drubin. Hope my observations help. Bo, I did post that on WBF, but not everyone hear reads that.

Funny you ask the question "And sold by who?" above. Because, IIRC you are a Pass dealer. That might be worth mentioning at the bottom of your posts when commenting in these forums. One often sees "dealer disclaimer" at the bottom of a post by someone with a vested interest. Such openness is much appreciated.

My apologies in advance if I am incorrect.