Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400.

Hello All,
I’m coming up on 40 yrs in this hobby,and or obsession of ours,and I started with a pair of Khorns and Macintosh at the age of 12 and Offcourse owned a ton of different gear over the yrs.
I bought a 2170 a little more than 6 months ago and I enjoyed it so much that I quickly realized I don’t really need anything else,solid state,tubes,or even dac’s anymore.I could step off that silly merry go round of amplification and just enjoy music.I was able to utilize the extra money and time and put together a really great sounding network audio system that rivaled the best in analog that I have ever had,I was mainly a analog guy all of these yrs but finally gave it up,I even sold my longtime record collection of 3k records which included many Hot Stampers that I purchased and also several that I found on my own.

So who Luv’s the 2170 and is maybe also thinking about the new 3400.

Happy Listening,

I have used the 2170 on several different speakers in two different rooms. Harbeth 40.1, AZ Crescendo, Tekton DI, and now the Living Voice OBX RW. Room Perfect was a breeze to use and each time greatly improving the resulting sound. I did not experiment that much on where I placed the mic, but followed the instructions given. Each speaker benefited greatly from Room Perfect. My first room was well treated with all manner of absorbtion, bass traps, and diffusion around the room. Roon Perfect also improved the sound in that room.

Lyngdorf states you can place the speakers up against the wall behind them and still get great sound. I agree that Room Perfect helps with this arrangement if needed. It is not the best placement however. If you have no choice, then RP will certainly help. However, for best results the speakers should be placed where you get the best sound without RP and then you run RP for the best sound possible in your room. I have no doubt that more experimentation with mic placement, per Kenny’s comments, may well yield sound even more to one’s liking. Very versatile piece of gear.

I also think the simplicity of the system is yet another reason why the unit sounds so great. System complexity is greatly reduced with very, very short signal paths. Think of the complexitity and long signal paths with traditional separates and all manner of long cabling. This traditional method of system assembly is more prone to noise as more cabling and longer signal paths certainly create the environment for additional noise and sonic degradation. .
I should also mention the wonderful feel, sound, and fine tuning of the volume control.  The 2170s volume dial adjusts by 1/10 dB increments.  High efficiency systems can dial in the volume perfectly, unlike those sometimes frustrating stepped attenuators. The knob has a free wheeling touch and delicacy that is a joy to use.  The remote also adjusts by as little as 1/10 dB steps.  One can still ramp up the volume quickly by remote or knob.  Just a pleasure to deal with. 
Like Kenny, my listening room is also my living room. So room treatments was something I wanted to avoid at all costs. The 2170 is the most impressive piece of equipment I have owned, when it comes to technology, features and sound. 
I have been in love with my 2170 since the morning I got it, ran the room perfect and just sat back and enjoyed the music with zero excess bass bloom .
I agree that speakers are best left in the position you get best sq without the room perfect on unless you have no choice.
This is what I did, ran 15 point mic session and was blown away by the solidity of the mid and lower bass without any unwanted boom.
The sweet spot seems to be extremely wide in my setup and although I play plenty of digital through it (Tidal and Vault 2 ripped cds) I have found the additional analog module with xlr inputs is also quite good. I still play vinyl through it and cassette analog to boot from my Nakamichi.
I use the digital out to feed a Burson headphone amp.
The software is extremely easy to use and setup and quite powerful and versatile imho.

The best all in one integrated I have tried in my system so far.
As others have said, in the real world with WAF room treatments are not always a viable option, this unit has made life easier all round in my home!