Who makes a "true" Transmission Line speaker?...

Who makes a "true" Transmission Line speaker that displays some of the advantageous characteristics described in the previous threads regarding ported vs sealed vs TL? Does anyone make a true TL for under $10K? Who makes the best TL in your opinion and why?
Off the top of my head(in alphabetical order), Bugtussel, Fried, Meadowlark, and PMC.

The Bugtussels look attractive, though I wonder about the cheap looking tweeters. I need to give them a listen. Yesterday was a good opportunity, as I was around a bunch of them, but we only listened to the Von Schweikerts and Ushers. Fried, which I am a part of, is releasing a real TL right about now. I have heard it, and it is a very open, clear sounding speaker. While I have not heard the big Meadowlarks(would like to), the weak kneed bass of the smaller ones make me wonder why they even bother. PMC speakers seem interesting, and probably offer the real deal.
Pat McGinty is a great designer. His speakers are well built and easy to drive. Meadowlarks are worth a listen.
Trelja- May I ask what models in the Usher line you got a listen to? I am going with a 6381 myself, as I hear great things about them. Thansk-Ken
If you have a chance, listen to Meadowlark Blue Heron II's. I have enjoyed mine for over a year--musical, plenty of bass, and easily driven. And Pat McGinty is great at answering questions in a timely manner: very knowledgable and friendly. Oh yes, and the cabinet-making is superb!
Trelja, I heard the Amygdala model at the 2002 CES. I enjoyed their sound. I hate using the term "musical", so let's just say that I hung around the Buggtussel room for a few songs, longer than in most other rooms!

The company people seemed to be quite informed as well as easy to talk with.