Jaco: tone, natural improvisational skill. The man was born to play bass.
Abe Laboriel: his flemenco work is pretty impressive.
Nathan East: mr universal.
Bromberg: soloist piccolo bass. Tears up an upright, too!
Wooten: anything, anywhere. Just chops baby!
Manring: best simultaneous multi-bass soloist?
Kim Stone: had to throw that one in there. The guy's playing is just tasty.
Abe Laboriel: his flemenco work is pretty impressive.
Nathan East: mr universal.
Bromberg: soloist piccolo bass. Tears up an upright, too!
Wooten: anything, anywhere. Just chops baby!
Manring: best simultaneous multi-bass soloist?
Kim Stone: had to throw that one in there. The guy's playing is just tasty.