Nothing like a guy who sells "Magic Pebbles" ... Which are literally pebbles, probably of the aquarium variety in a bag as an audio tweak, and another guy who thinks cables will behave the same in all systems which is of course impossible (unless there is no audible difference). You two are like the negative of a call to authority. Call to ridiculousness? Perhaps if all cables matter proponents had even 1 .. just one spokesperson who could talk in any manner other than handwaving and "just trust me" sentences, you would have a better half leg to stand on.
Miller I will put my listening skills up against yours any day. This is what I do .... Except I listen and measure. I even have other people listen ... Lots and lots of people over many years. I have even written papers on critical Subjective listening. This tired argument about not hearing good enough is just that, tired, especially when coming from a group that as a whole has severely reduced hearing capacity.
Miller I will put my listening skills up against yours any day. This is what I do .... Except I listen and measure. I even have other people listen ... Lots and lots of people over many years. I have even written papers on critical Subjective listening. This tired argument about not hearing good enough is just that, tired, especially when coming from a group that as a whole has severely reduced hearing capacity.