Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?

Who says studio monitors are "cold and analytical"?  Does that mean audiophile speakers are warm/colored and distorted?   If Studio Monitors main goal is low distortion, does that mean low distortion is not something audiophiles want?  They want what, high distortion?  "Pretty" sounding distortion?  Or find pretty sounding speakers that make bad recordings sound really good?  What is the point of searching out good recordings then?  They won't sound as intended on a highly colored distorted speaker!   

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Another quote

I can't listen to 75% of my record collection without thinking 'this production sounds wrong'

That is a big RED FLAG when you have a speaker which makes 75% of your music sound bad, I dont regard that as a good design. In my experience, I have found that tracks which I thought were wrong or badly done, were always due to the speaker. Once the speakers had been retuned, I could appreciate the recording quality. Most speakers can only play a few tracks and sound good. A good speaker will play every track and 99% should sound good. There is no such thing as a bad recording.

Another quote about the ATC monitors:

 When I first heard a pair of ATCs- my old favorites sounded bad and I was disappointed!

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ATC is another speaker that was born out of the need for speakers to go loud in a studio environment. Furthermore, they know nothing about speaker design since they started off as a driver manufacturer…ATC is a marketing company…There is no substitute for testing a speaker than using a human being with refined hearing such as myself. If I was in charge, 99% of these speakers probably would not pass my intense standards. No speaker company will employ someone like me because none of their speakers would ever be good enough.

Classic Kenjit — a legend in his own mind. ATC knows nothing about speaker design? Please. Notice, BTW, he never divulges what speakers he uses himself IF he has any speakers at all. What a complete and utter farce.  I do agree though that no speaker company would employ someone like you.