Who tried Class D only to return to S/S or Tube

And what were the reason you did a backflip back to S/S or tube.
As there are a few pro Class D threads being hammered at the moment, I thought I'd put this up, to get some perspective.

Cheers George

The choke needs to be of "critical inductance" at minimum, for this type of supply to work properly.

Lcrit = V(dc) / I(mA)

So higher voltage and/or lower current require a bigger choke. This type of supply was often used decades ago when capacitance was expensive compared to chokes; once capacitance became cheaper it fell out of favor in the mass market, but it retains its unique advantages to this day.

Happy reading!
Not sure what others have said...but I've really like the Peachtree 220 and Rotel 15 series  class D amps.  Those 2 are very musical...and no reason to go back to A/B amps unless the configuration of a specific piece is something that you like.  Personally...I found older Bel Canto and Channel Islands to be a bit cooler sounding...some folks might call them a little "clinical" I'd guess.
kuribo, it appears that we need some common language here.  Saying "technology is mature" is a polite way of saying "It hit dead end" - therefore don't expect major improvements and place your order today. There are many technologies still improving in exponential rate HDTV, Phones, Computers, DSP processing etc. that most likely will keep improving, but it doesn't mean they are inferior to such mature technologies like B&W analog TVs.  The fact that effect is achieved by switching instead of steady value doesn't mean it is worse.  Plasma HDTV operates on class D principle and to many people it looks more natural (colors, motion etc) than LCD/LED HDTV.  Modulator used in class D amps resembles Delta-Sigma A/D converters that already went thru many years of improvements (PWM is a byproduct of Delta-Sigma processing) and in my opinion will keep improving for a long time.  It is not even a question what class amps are the best, but rather how good is the amp I can afford.  Many class D amps offer a lot for the money.
tfats, I've never heard Channel Islands but I know they were based on Hypex modules and had great reviews.  Bel Canto used Icepower modules (that my are in my Rowland 102 as well). Hypex had dual supply (+/-) but only two output Mosfets switching (thru Zobel filter network) one end of the speaker (the other end at GND).  Icepowers used single voltage but four Mosfet output bridge switching speaker direction between + and GND.  Somebody mentioned sound difference between two families, Icepower being closer to tube amp while Hypex closer to very good SS amp.  I'm not sure if output configuration has something to do with it or it is just different signal processing (modulator).  Hypex configuration is more practical (output can be further bridged), but I'm happy with Icepower.  It sounded different with different speaker cables - a little thin and colder with older AQ cable and fuller/warmer with Acoustic Zen Satori.  Lower midrange got stronger, cello sound fuller, male voices have depth (chestiness).  
I've briefly listened to class D amp's,  not my preference,  did the same with class a/be amp's,  btw, as it turns out,  my preference is class A solid state and tube equipment,  the heat has never bothered me that my amp has, to each their own,  I've always been a class A fan,  and likely will continue to enjoy for years to come.