Who tried Class D only to return to S/S or Tube

And what were the reason you did a backflip back to S/S or tube.
As there are a few pro Class D threads being hammered at the moment, I thought I'd put this up, to get some perspective.

Cheers George
Class D is a cheaper implementation of amplification! , the manufacturer's make way more money and less over head,  also,  a high quality class A amplifier is extremely more complicated to implement! , an example of what I'm saying is,  pass Labs class A amp's cost a lot more then their other model's,  ask your self,  why is that? , my system is so clear, you can hear the feet shuffle in the back ground,  and page's turning with high quality classical recordings,  I  have class A, however, I  also paired this with quality cable's to retrieve such information, also,  their is tube equipment,  we all know tube amplification  is class A  that is incredible sounding, class D will never have the clarity and sound stage, naturalness,  detail that class A has,  I  understand this is my opinion,  however,  it's based on experience as well, been building systems for 36 year's. 
Really Keith! I'd take any Merrill Class D amp over an over-priced Tara Labs cable any day of the week. Talk about making a killing how can a cable be worth 20K or even 32K? Yikes

Rsf507, my modified class A krell 700cx amplifier will eat a merril class D amp's for a snack when it comes to clarity,  tonality, timbral accuracy, transit speed,  etc!
My amplifier is extremely grain free compared to it's original 2005 manufacturer parts that was replaced,  completed in December 2014, I'm talking,  transistors,  capacitors,  tweaked power supply,  none or oem!