Who Tried Power Conditioners Over The Years and No Longer Use Them Today, Any Why?

Been thinking back to when I started in Audio and how good the system sounded with no power conditioners or fancy power cords. Then in the '90s slowly they both became a huge profit market for stores and manufacturers of them. If you used one on front end gear only or whole systems I will be interested in your real-world experience you could share with us all. I have a few so I am not against them, but I do at times have questions. 
I've had sucess with Monster Power conditioners (pro5100 and HTS5100 MKII) on primary and secondary systems.  Also using Sonoquil cables in the primary rig; secondary uses cheap speaker wire from Amazon and OEM cords. No clue on the OEMs as to their preference.
To each his own re power quality. Happy camper here.
I've tried many, most of them were some kind of humbuster approach as I have a lot of DC on the line which makes my preamp hum.  All of them I tried killed system dynamics with or without the amp plugged into it.  The only one that removed most of the DC and did not kill system dynamics was the Emotiva CMX-2.  My amp is plugged directly into the wall (dedicated power line to a Porter Port plug) and so is the Emotiva CMX-2.  Everything else in my system is chained off one of the two CMX-2 plugs using Wiremold powerstrips.  Best setup I've found for my needs.  I also use a  EP-2050 at my mains box.
I have 3 dedicated lines all with Furutech NCF outlets.
The main one has a Niagara 7000 (with a Dragon power cord) which powers my Dac, Steamer and tube amps. The 2nd dedicated line has a Niagara 1200 which powers 2 subs and a few sundry pieces, and the third has a Niagara 1000 that powers my video equipment.
So, don’t give up on the other dedicated lines.




1,019 posts

When my PS Audio  AC Junction box overheated and bit the dust, I replaced it with a generic TripLite box that happened to be in the house. Son of a gun, the stereo sounded better with the TripLite. I still though, connect the TripLite to my groovy PS audio wall outlets with the hefty PS Audio AC cord that came with the PS Audio box. Agreed, I was never able to do  back-and-forth comparisons, but I just don't care enough to fret over it. I'm getting good sound, and that's enough.