Why are older tubes so much sought after

What is it with old stock tubes?? They were made years ago and surely by now we have must learned something about making them. So why are some people searching for old tubes. I have a Shanling CD player and I actually think the stock tubes are better than the 395a tubes.
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Thank goodness Tvad provided such a perfect response, now I don't have to reply other than thank you.
This is an interesting film on the production of Mullard Valves at the Blackburn plant.


Click on vintage film reels
Good answer Tvad! There are less than a handful of companies now producing tubes that compare with NOS in quality of materials, care in manufacture and sonic performance. Here's some info and an idea of what that quality and care cost in today's dollars:
(http://www.kraudio.com click on "tubes")
(http://www.euroaudioteam.com The only company making quality small signal tubes now)
A great question and very interesting answers above.

In my experience of NOS in new equipment the results have not been that great. I have found in the valves I mainly used (power tubes 6550,KT88,and 12AX7,12AU7,ECC81,ECC82) the older valves never had the clarity in the highs or the low noise floor or transparency.

The last time I used some NOS Brimar and Jan philips in a very high end preamp they were very rolled off, dark and fat sounding, even a little metalic. The new valves with gold pins where much cleaner, extended and detailed in comparison. Maybe this is very valve dependent.

I had the same experience with Svetlana 6550C power tubes. I found the 6550c from Svetlana to be the best 6550 I could find, leaving the others sounding murky.

I can understand that maybe the new old stock valves work well in older equipment or as a tone control.