I apologize if I caused offense; I didn't mean to. The way I read your comments though seems tilted far to the economic side of the subject, even citing certain schools of thought which I readily admit I have never even heard of.
I think it is easy to get lost there. The point is that this is all about individual perception of value based on the enjoyment the user receives from their purchase.
I thought that your use of the term "rip-off" was over the top because, after all, none of these companies are forcing us to buy their products.
In the end, we all speak with our wallets, and the reasons for price increases (which are usually profit based) are not really that important to the argument. If the item is priced too high relative to (dirty words) "perceived value", it won't sell.
It's just about having fun.
I apologize if I caused offense; I didn't mean to. The way I read your comments though seems tilted far to the economic side of the subject, even citing certain schools of thought which I readily admit I have never even heard of.
I think it is easy to get lost there. The point is that this is all about individual perception of value based on the enjoyment the user receives from their purchase.
I thought that your use of the term "rip-off" was over the top because, after all, none of these companies are forcing us to buy their products.
In the end, we all speak with our wallets, and the reasons for price increases (which are usually profit based) are not really that important to the argument. If the item is priced too high relative to (dirty words) "perceived value", it won't sell.
It's just about having fun.