Why blind listening tests are flawed

This may sound like pure flame war bait - but here it is anyway. Since rebuilding my system from scratch, and auditioning everything from preamps to amps to dacs to interconnects to speaker cable etc, it seems clearer than ever.

I notice that I get easily fooled between bad and great sounding gear during blind auditions. Most would say "That should tell you that the quality of the gear is closer than you thought. Trust it".

But it's the process of blind listening tests that's causing the confusion, not a case of what I prefer to believe or justify to myself. And I think I know why it happens.

Understanding the sound of audio gear is process of accumulated memories. You can listen to say new speakers for weeks and love them until you start hearing something that bothers you until you can't stand them anymore.

Subconsciously you're building a library of impressions that continues to fill in the blanks of the overall sound. When all the holes are filled - you finally have a very clear grasp of the sonic signature. But we know that doesn't happen overnight.

This explains why many times you'll love how something sounds until you don't anymore? Anyone experience that? I have - with all 3 B&W speakers upgrades I've made in my life just to name a few.

Swapping out gear short term for blind listening tests is therefore counter productive for accurately understanding the characteristics of any particular piece or system because it causes discontinuity with impression accumulation and becomes subtractive rather than additive. Confusion becomes the guaranteed outcome instead of clarity. In fact it's a systematic unlearning of the sound characteristics as the impression accumulation is randomized. Wish I could think of a simpler way of saying that..

Ok this is getting even further out there but: Also I believe that when you're listening while looking at equipment there are certain anchors that also accumulate. You may hear a high hat that sounds shimmering and subconsciously that impression is associated with some metallic color or other visual aspect of the equipment you happen to be watching or remember.

By looking at (or even mentally picturing) your equipment over time you have an immediate association with its' sound. Sounds strange, but I've noticed this happening myself - and I have no doubt it speeds up the process of getting a peg on the overall sound character.

Obviously blind tests would void that aspect too resulting in less information rather than more for comparison.

Anyone agree with this, because I don't remember hearing this POV before. But I'm sure many others that have stated this because, of course, it happens to be true. ;
When doing A/B comparisons, its not necessary to do it blinded. What's important is to make the switches rapidly, because audible memory fades quickly. Multiple switches may be needed. If the results are not immediately obvious, it means that the differences are not great. The ability to do this improves with practice. It also helps to know what one is aiming for (sonic preferences), as what sounds better for one person may not for another. My two cents.
The amount of nonsense audiophiles come up with...
Read Floyd Toole work. In a long blind testing environment (you need to distinguish between short quick comparative tests and long one) , people preferences were very similar, and correlated with better measured/design loudspeakers. It is that simple. Keep your "personal taste" i.e. ego, out of the equation, and suddenly, there is a consensus on what actually sounds good.
'When doing A/B comparisons, its not necessary to do it blinded. What's important is to make the switches rapidly, because audible memory fades quickly.’

That’s really the heart of the matter. Listeners would be surprised at how short our sensory memory actually is... It can be surprising how two things might sound the same, but when put right next to each other, obvious differences emerge. I do this everyday at work, you really do learn to listen better, and trust your hearing more and more...
Sciencecop, what particular audiophile nonsense are you referring to? There's so much to choose from. Are you saying that long tests are valid and short ones are not? I think they accomplish different things.

I would differ with your opinion on personal taste. My dad and I recently did a comparison between a CD and a high rez file of the exact same performance. I thought the high rez file was superior, but my Dad preferred the CD. He has no experience with high rez, and to him it sounded too detailed and less musical.
One standard I have is if I could tell if a change had been made walking in blind. In a short a/b comparison I can tell a difference but I would be guessing if I came in and had to correctly identify the configuration. It would be a guess.