Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?

I am really beginning to believe these 180 remasters are mixed for a 500.00 system.It seems every one I buy it's either super bright,or has an ass load of bass in all the wrong places.The Bowie i have the soundstage is all wacked out .I have a decent setup but i can't imagine how much more obvious it must be on a serious setup.I can say the Yes fragile I got lately (cut fromt he original tapes) sounds pretty good ,Zeppelin In thru the outdoor Yikes! so bright waste of 25.00 again..... 
oleschool, no, I was not sarcastic, failed to read it even from between the lines. deleted my comment to be on the safe side ;-)
*sigh*  Not to spoil the 'cheezy whine' party, but if the remaster is all you can get, there's always eq.  Some have memories....much like us, as to 'what we Think it should sound like'....

But my memory is flawed, and colored.....by what I thought I heard before.

I had a couple different eq in the early 90s .I spent too much time playing with it for every album .As for "if its all i can get" sure,but the originals arent usually that hard its the condition that is tricky.I have recently bought  10 remasters and generally flip right past them for an original after listening to them, even with a few pops.

If a simple remaster then I do not buy them usually. Now a REMIX I will buy as usually they are much better than the original, considering the mix technology then and now...A current remix can be more defined, especially if the remix pushes/retracts certain sounds to make the overall recording better.
ie the Genesis remixes by Nick Davis, the original issues are so veiled its almost unlistenable, he lifted the veil.

So it depends, but we need to understand the difference between REMASTER and REMIX.