Why do many discussions about sonic performance disintegrate into technical discusions?

Guys I have noticed that certain members start with technical back and forth in discussions which look like they are self serving, to prove how smart or knowledgable they are, rather then forwarding the OP's original question.

Shouldn’t these discussions be moved into a separate post about technical stuff ie the techical merits of bibolar vs mosfets for example, if these members want to do that?

I think most member don’t care if a Krell amp uses brand x or y for transistors vs a Pass or any other amp, I think most people are more concerned with what the sonic differences there are vs specific technical arguments that are not related to the sonic flavor or design methodologies that these product use to produce their sound, what do you guys think?
Nah, disintegrated only for those poor souls that have no technical knowledge, so all they can do is whinge about it, because all they have to believe in is "snake oil".


Duly noted George, we will place you squarely in the Less Filling camp.
Technical, shmechnical.

Knowledge is what’s left after you subtract all the stuff you forgot from school. As we approach the 100th anniversary of Schrodinger’s Cat, there seems to be a whole lot of confusion or just plain, what’s the word, absence of knowledge, regarding quantum mechanics. Perhaps uh, fear? 😃 Ohm’s Law is not (rpt not) the end-all do-all for technical arguments.
Ohm's Law is not like a speed limit law that can be broken. It is inviolate.

Put simply, anything to do with electricity is following Ohm's Law. All the gain in transistors, all the gain in tubes, all of it follows Ohm's Law.

Ohm's Law is also quite simple. One Ohm is equal to one Volt divided by one Amp. That's it- 4th grade algebra. It is the basis of all things electric and electronic.
Thanks to you both for proving my point. Come on, people, stop obsessing over Ohm’s Law. Besides saying Ohm’s Law is unbreakable is a Strawman Argument. Extra credit : why is it a Strawman argument?