why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
What’s so weird about all this blind testing obsession and general angst over fuse and cable directionality, especially the charges of lying and or perpetrating a hoax by the pseudo skeptics is, what possible motive would anyone have for lying or perpetrating some kind of fraud or hoax based on directionality? Come on, people!! It’s certainly can not (rpt not) be financial gain, I seriously doubt any of the Big Players, you know, like Audioquest, HiFi Tuning, Anti Cables, Goertz, whoever, are getting a whole lot of new customers based solely on advertising “directionality” as a virtue. 
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“lying or perpetrating some kind of fraud or hoax based on directionality? Come on, people!! It’s certainly can not (rpt not) be financial gain, I seriously doubt any of the Big Players, you know, like Audioquest, HiFi Tuning, Anti Cables, Goertz, whoever, are getting a whole lot of new customers based solely on advertising “directionality” as a virtue.”

All this nonsense increases the mystique around fuses and cables. Instead of being what they are (ordinary bits of wire) they become the most incredibly complex and commensurately expensive pieces of audio equipment for all the audiofools that believe it.

Anyway coming from a proponent of hoaxes with a vested interest in fir profit sales it seems a bit rich for you to pretend innocence about what is really going down.

uh, shadorne, no it doesn’t increase mystique. That’s just plain silly. At least there is no mystique among users, they’ve been using aftermarket fuses for almost 20 years. Sufficiently advanced science only looks mysterious to pseu-pseu-pseudios. The only mystique is the one created by you and other witch hunters and investigators of paranormal activity. 🤡 I predict gdhal shows up in five minutes, four, three....