Why do subs sound bloated or slow?

The use of subs in 2 channel audio is controversial around A’gon. Detractors argue that subs usually make a system sound bloated or slow.

IME, the two biggest challenges for integrating a sub into a 2 channel system are optimizing frequency response and optimizing transient response. When frequency response isn’t flat, the bass sounds bloated. When transient response isn’t time aligned, the bass sounds slow.

Here is my pet theory about why systems that use subs often sound bloated or slow: Under many circumstances, optimizing frequency response and optimizing transient response is a zero sum game. In other words, getting one right usually means you get the other wrong.


Was wondering with all this talk about time alignment
of subs with the mains, are their any concerns say if
your running your sub & speakers both off of the speaker
level connections of your amp, and the speaker cables are 2 feet longer than the sub speaker cables, are there any issues
with alignment this way?? Probably a dumb question but!?!?!?
Telescope - The speed at which electricity travels through a wire is so fast that it makes differences in cable lengths inaudible, since the high speed makes any differences in latency (elapsed time) vanishingly small.

So you have nothing to worry about.
