Why do you never near anything about Spectral

Back in the 80's it was considered the creme de la creme. I haven't heard a word about the company in years. Did they go underground or are they just servicing markets outside the U.S. If you know about the companys present day operations I would like to know.
Hi Everybody, to my understanding business has not changed in thousand of years. The companies that buy advertising and supply reveiwer with free preks. Will get the gift of kind words. I have been chaseing the dream of best system since my Marantz 4400.(It died driving my 801S3) I have all McIntosh, MIT, & B&W speakers. I am so happy. I found the dream. That was 15 years ago. I have been upgrading over the years. The new Diamond speakers are The best detailed, I know of. Good luck to all. Just my thoughts. Don
Spectral from what I understand doesn't give stuff away...which limits the mags interest...when I helped manage a hifi company in the 70s....it was difficult to retreive stuff...even if they decided not to write about things....and doing nice things...at CES shows...dinners, etc....and later on ads...got you reviews....with the typical statement...."the best of the type for the type...great improvement over the type....blah blah blah...

PS: I liked my spectral stuff on the snells...now use Wilson..Sophia 2 with Ayre pre and soon to be mono amps...

It could also be that they've only 2-3 dealers left in the US, which disqualifies them for mag reviews anyway. Not saying that they'd seek them out, just an FYI.