Also, I mixed psec with ns. Going from 22psec to 7psec is not audible. Some studies/trials have been done, and human audibility of jitter is >10ns (~20ns one study found), which is 10,000psec. And again, any good DAC would get rid of jitter to beyond audibility in the first place.
I've heard this mantra over and over. You are believing the marketing BS. It is audible. Here are the customer feedbacks to prove it:
The studies that have been done by AES and others are flawed. I have read them and pointed out flaws in all of them.
As for the DAC reclocking: in your dreams. The only DAC that I have encountered where a customer thought it was totally immune to incoming jitter was the Benchmark DAC3. This result was probably clouded by his system which was likely not resolving or low-noise enough.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio