DACs do in fact have jitter reduction, and a J-Test is done when measuring them, Stereophile always performs one for instance. The test doesn’t introduce picoseconds/nanoseconds of jitter, but instead uses frequencies, so I don’t know the correlation but it’s stated as worst case scenario levels of jitter.
Chord makes good DACs, not sure which model you have, but let’s look at their $500 Mojo:
https://www.stereophile.com/content/chord-electronics-mojo-da-headphone-amplifier-measurements AudioScienceResearch:
https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/review-and-measurements-of-chord-mojo-dac... Both sources show it reducing jitter to below 120dB, enough for 24bit data to have zero jitter no matter how long or cheap your cables are (EMI is a different thing), and also well below your room’s noise floor. Also, take note the measurements are different as Stereophile does jitter tests for 44.1kHz and ASR does jitter tests at 48kHz, Stereophile also used a tone that’s -6dBFS and ASR does 0dBFS.
And yes, that’s the only difference a digital cable can introduce, frequency response, THD, and everything else would be identical.
So unless you are cranking your amplifier above full scale, there will be no difference no matter the digital cable.