Why few discussion on Audio Machina CRM, CRG, CRS?

Hi guys,
I am interested in these speakers but there are not much discussion on them. What are your comments on these?
What did you compare them with?

A pair of brand new CRM was delivered yesterday. 24 hours have passed since I started the break-in with old NAIM NAIT3 and CD3 staff. They are, as you may know, the lowest ends of NAIM product line. CRM sounds so perfect even with $1,600 premain amp. I cannot imagine how the sound improves after 200 hours break-in done.
ShinjiShinji7, Tokyo
Hi Shinji7, How's your CRM coming along? How about an update?

I am looking at a CRM+CRS combination and I wonder how they comapre to YG Kipod I/II, because both share similarities of an active stereo sub, aluminum body, small size (for me small room)...

Really appreciate your comments as the CRM+CRS is really rare... Thanks.
I do not think they can be as good as those that I have heard 4 days ago. Where can I go to audition the Audio Mechinas?