Thank you, willemj.
The amp I supply with the Swarm has a single band of parametric EQ, but most people don't use it. The only time I've used it has been to extend the very bottom end a bit when all of the modules were in sealed-box mode, in a situation where we really should have left some of the ports unplugged but the customer insisted they all be plugged. We used a real-time analyzer but didn't save any of the curves. I haven't heard from anyone who has made measurements with the parametric EQ in play. I have heard from multiple customers reporting +/- 3 dB in-room across the bass region, with the -3 dB point clocking in a bit south of 20 Hz, without EQ.
One of my customers had been using a Meridian processor that had been professionally calibrated for his previous sub. He reset all the filters to flat and called in the technician after he had set up the Swarm. After making his measurements, the only thing the technician did was adjust the level a bit. No further equalization was needed. Apparently the technician said he'd never seen anything like it, and he'd been doing this for many years.
But it's not either/or! I am sure the Swarm would work very well with EQ, especially something well thought-out like the Antimode, in part because the spatial variation (change in frequency response at different locations) is greatly reduced by the distributed multisub configuration.