you wrote;
my use of $11,000 referred to my Lyra Olympos, not the Miyajima Premium BE Mono. what i wrote was;
sorry if i did not make my meaning more clear. my point was that this modestly priced Mono cartridge bettered the mighty Olympos on the vast majority of mono Lps.
you wrote;
BTW, Mike L. inadvertently added an extra zero. The Myajima mono series of cartridges runs in the $900 to $1,200 range (there are three mono cartridges in the line).
my use of $11,000 referred to my Lyra Olympos, not the Miyajima Premium BE Mono. what i wrote was;
most of my mono Lps sound better on this $1100 retail cartridge than on my Rockport/Lyra Olympos stereo cartridge ($11,000 retail).
sorry if i did not make my meaning more clear. my point was that this modestly priced Mono cartridge bettered the mighty Olympos on the vast majority of mono Lps.