Why my system has detail but no body & warm vocal?

My system:
B&W 602S3
Rotel RA-972 int amp
Rotel RCD-975
Kimber 4Tc speaker cord
Kimber hero interconnect

When I listen to Barbra Streisand or Lionel Richie's song, it has detail but no body. The vocal is thin and laid back.

What is my weak point? I am thinking about try Audio analogue Puccini or Arcam A75 amp, and try Arcam CD72 CD player. Is it a right direction to go?
The Arcam CD 23 or 23 T reproduces the tone of musical instruments and voice in a delightful way and, at least in my system, gives a palpable presence to Ella, Sarah and company. I wouldn't expect any miracles from magic cables on either end of your components. Your room acoustics (including placement of speakers relative to walls and the seating area) should be addressed also prior to buying any new equipment. BTW the CD 23 can be gotten used on 'Agon for around $1000-$1300, an excellent price/performance ratio.
My friend and I both tried my Kimber 8TC speaker wire on our systems and we both like it a lot but think it is lacking bass and would be more suited to a warm system. I imagine the 4TC would be similar and would start there myself.

BTW the Hero has gotten some good reviews in the magazines and by fellow listeners, I would be hesitant to get rid of them without experimenting first.
Try an upgrade to your electrical outlet. I am tinkering with the different ones out there and found the FIM-880 to reduce noise and add a nice warmth. This may give you the best bang for the buck

If you try this and it helps move you in the right direction, a powercord upgrade may take you to the next level
If you wont wormer sound and good vocals try McIntosh amp/preamp or 6900 integrated - it may be the last change you will need for your system.
Good luck.
I would start demoing IC's and maybe even speaker cables through the Cable Company (www.fatwyre.com). Speak to Paul. One to look at would be the Purist Audio Museaus line. Relatively inexpensive and I think it would give you the body and warmth you want. FYI, the speaker cable is somewhat rigid.
