Why no interest in reel to reel if you're looking for the ultimate sound?

Wondering why more people aren't into reel to reel if they're looking for the ultimate analog experience? I know title selection is limited and tapes are really expensive, but there are more good tapes available now than ever before.
People refer to a recording as having "master tape quality",  well you can actually hear that master tape sound through your own system and the point of entry to reel to reel is so much more affordable than getting into vinyl.  Thoughts? 
It is science and engineering and Audio Research that crafts the sound YOU like, just like Pass crafts their amps to behave a certain way. It's not guess work. They tune the exact presentation with listener reviews, but it is engineering that guides that process.

Besides it's fun to talk tech and trigger geoffkait. He really hates it when he is not the smartest person in the room and he can't get away with his usual mumbo-jumbo about scattered light and pet audio rocks. I think that is why is so angry all the time.

"This is why Bob Carver was able to modify a somewhat low cost amplifier to be sonically indistinguishable from an expensive amplifier. He matched the transfer functions of the two amplifiers with the real speaker loads."

A seminal moment in the history of high end audio.

Many, much like Dr Zaius in the celebrated 1968 classic Planet of the Apes movie, would wish they could bury any evidence of this (and much more) so as to not disturb the paradigm that is in their interest to push.
Carver supposedly replicated a tube amplifier using a solid state amplifier. If you believe that one I’ve got some swamp land to sell you. At least get the story straight.

I see roberttdid/roberttcan/atdavid/whoever is still stalking and trolling me. Welcome to my stable, Mr. Smarty Pants 👖 
That would explain the smell Geoffkait ...

Amazing the words that come out of the mouth of someone who hasn't done a ground up amplifier design .... oh well, to each his own.    https://www.stereophile.com/content/carver-challenge

Carver supposedly replicated a tube amplifier using a solid state amplifier. If you believe that one I’ve got some swamp land to sell you. At least get the story straight.

Then again, maybe we should take with a grain of salt someone who believes this, as opposed to putting it down to more likely, nothing, or bad soldering.

Plus, I had once upon a time picked up the differences between ½" of steel lead from a capacitor to a crossover as opposed to ½" of copper lead.

You’re cute when you get all worked up. I’m thinking of promoting you to Junior Stalker. Do you mind if I call you roberttdidn’t? How about roberttcan’t?