Why no Virtual System pics??

I’m surprised that not more people have pictures off their set-ups... there are very few contributors, some regular contributors, some long time members, with zero pictures of their systems..
Why do you think that is?  Are they worried that someone is going to steal their stereo because they see pictures of it?  Or are people ashamed of their systems?  
I don’t get it.  It’s much easier to understand where someone is coming from when you see their setup!

post some pictures people!!!  Sheesh

It’s like showing up to the basket ball court with no ball.  Going to the ski slopes, sittin in the lodge, talking about how awesome the powder is with no ski’s.  
My system is pretty basic but I took it a step further and also posted a Youtube Video in addition to the Virtual Systems.

I really enjoy looking at everyone else's systems.

One of my friend has four sets of vintage Western horn system in his dedicated room of 25ft wide 50 ft deep and 40ft high .

His system is the best  that I had ever heard with utmost details and natural dynamics.

He used to display his system in Munich High End show.

Lady vocal sounds spooky as if she sings in front of you.

My goal is to have one vintage Western horn system before I die.

After I get one, then I will upload photo of my system.

Many thanks for the kind words, although I know the pictures could/should be better.

My daughter showed interest in my records so I set her up with one of my old tables from years back with a new cartridge, nothing fancy but it gets the job done.
She now has maybe 150 albums including some mofi discs and she does take very good care in handling them and of cleaning the stylus the correct way.
Have to reward and encourage any youngster who shows any interest in good old audio in todays modern times of all streaming and earbuds!

Could you tell me when is your  next audio seminar is scheduled.  Sign me up. I'll contribute to the catering.     
Have been an Audiogon member since 2011 but have browsed the site since 2005. In the last few years have sparadically posted due to the (IMO) the watered down content. Hard to believe some of the (claimed) recent posts on Audiogon. I would like to keep Audiogon the best place to post and purchase gear. I have always thought Audiogon had the best moderators of all the audio forums. If enough of the long time members let the Agon moderators know we don't want politics/religion/vulgarity ect. I'm sure they would comply. As for posting system pics I think it's a personal choice that should not discredit anyone that values privacy. I'm sure I will get around to it(system pics)after I have my backwall artwork completed.