If one does not require the gain provided by the pre-amp section of an integrated and most separate pre-amps, a power amp with a built-in passive pre-amp (control of volume, switching, etc.) is an attractive alternative to a conventional integrated (which in many cases have a power amp section compromised in the interest of meeting a retail price point).
There are some of that kind of product available, and I could provide the name of one tube amp designer/builder who will I believe install a passive pre-amp in one of his amps if you so desire (he approves of the concept). I could, but have been reprimanded for "pimping" for him and his products. Can't have that, so you’ll have to figure it out for yourselves. Hint: He was for years located in beautiful Santa Barbara, but has relocated to the Berkeley/Oakland area in N. California (not without its’ own charms).