Why the hate for mcintosh amps?

Why dont people,like mcintosh? Who motivates this?

so what are the alternatives??
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I Think most think they spend more to get more.

$10k amp vs $35k amp?  Really?  
I don't think it's hate maybe confusion? Many in the mid fi and casual audiophiles/music lovers segment view McIntosh as the "holy grail" of amplifiers. IMO they produce some great gear the MC452 and C22MK3 provide great value/sound for 2nd hand gear but are not considered close to being SOTA. If the MAC "fanboys" would admit they purchase MAC for resale value and aesthetics over sound quality the brand would become much less polarizing.
"If the MAC "fanboys" would admit they purchase MAC for resale value and aesthetics over sound quality the brand would become much less polarizing."
Another stupid comment that is just repeating what others have wrongly said many times before. "SOTA" sound is in the ear of the listener, no matter what the box it comes from looks like, or what the cost was. 
There are actually many people dayglow who buy Mac gear because they like the way it sounds.