why the PC change the tonal on my gears.

I bought a couple brand new Prelude PCs and decided to use one on my intergrated amp. The whole system is fairly new and the sound is clean and a little bright and sharp on vocal but extremely details in the high with this PC. After A/B switching speakers, intergrated,CDP with the same ICs ( Hero) and the same PC,the sound still not the way it was ( warm, open and a little on the dark side), I switch back to the stock PC and the system sounds just the way I wanted. I don't believe in PCs effects the sound that much but I now I see PCs can actually alter the tonal of my gears. Any thoughts anyone?
I was a non-believer at first too. Now the differences power cords make amaze me. As you say, not always an improvement either. The differences I am now hearing in p/c's still has me shaking my head. From being a non-believer 5 years ago, now I think power cords impact the sound of the system more than interconnects or speaker cables do.

Jmcgrogan2, I read one of your other thread and one of the poster suggested 700 hrs breaking-in for his PCs. Does PC really need time to break-in? Please, give me your feedback. I am kind of like the clean and clear with authority sound of the Prelude PCs ( good price and well-built too )just a little sharp glare in midrange and the highs is kind of too much in details and a little forwarding. I have problem listen to Diana Krall ( All for you dedicated to FN) with the Prelude while it seems very nice with the stock PC. I don't believe in either voodoo or snake oils but if after a break-in time these Prelude PCs smooth out, I will be happy to keep them in my systems. I guess my question is " does PC need break-in time or it is a myth? Thanks
Yes, power cords need break-in time like anything else. Attach it to a refrigerator or freezer for two weeks of running time. That should smooth things out and/or you will know approximately the potential of the cord.
The stock Belden cords (PC) are a good starting point.I generally find that many PCs will improve certain aspects,but in overall performance won't equal the Belden or even add brightness or darkness.The "good" PCs will surpass the Belden,but it will require some auditionig.Some have preferred the "active Pcs " for their digiyal front-ends and low-level gear,using a standard confiuration for the power amp)s).