Why will no other turntable beat the EMT 927?

Having owned many good turntables in my audiophile life I am still wondering why not one of the modern designs of the last 20 years is able to beat the sound qualities of an EMT 927.
New designs may offer some advantages like multiple armboards, more than one motor or additional vibration measurements etc. but regarding the sound quality the EMT is unbeatable!
What is the real reason behind this as the machine is nearly 60 years old, including the pre-versions like the R-80?
Dear Peterayer,

I will try to describe the differences I have found with the same tonearm (SME 3012 I - first series, which I regard as one of the best arms ever built- in comparison to some of its direct successors) on the same MS board I have used on the MS tables as well as on my R-80.
Also I used the same cart (lyra Atlas) and same phono pre (EMT JPA-66 with its own SUT).

When you listen to Jimmy Smith organ interpretation the underlying energy from the EMT puts any other turntable to shame. This I guess is demonstrating that despite the wider grooves and resistance they represent the EMT drive just keeps it steady and going strong.

The decay of piano notes on a Bill Evans record (originals and AP 45 reissues) just seem to last forever with the EMT even under the notes being played, my belt drives have a tendency to come short in this arena.

On the other hand the Micro Seiki SX II (double vaccum) has some other advantages which will bring it very close to the EMT, maybe the best belt drive design ever built and regarding rock music my absolut favourite with a FR-66 mounted.
Dear all,

I posted since 36 hours but my two posts are not published yet.
I have to admit that with this kind of moderation I cannot communicate timely. I have to apoligize for this unprofessional forum management by the moderator. It is not my fault and I feel not treated well in my own thread.

Thank you Thuchan for bringing up this amazing topic which is far less discussed on this forum than typical modern products. I have been researching on the EMT tables off late. It is really nice to see someone with so much analog experience still not being able to get over the big EMT. Can you please help me answer two things:

1. How does the 927 compared to 930 which is also an Idler drive ? Or for that matter how is the 950 in comparison ? Is there big gap between 927 and all other EMTs ?

2. Have you ever heard a nicely setup Platine Verdier ? It is not a modern design but is a classic belt drive. How does it compare to the EMT sound ?

Thank you Thuchan,
Very well explained......
Now......if only I can hear one myself?

Thuchan, I have only once heard an EMT927 and even that was with no comparison to anything else. I love vinyl but find it very inconvenient also. I am soon to get an idler wheel Lenco based tt.

I doubt if the EMT927 has never been surpassed, but hey that is not the issue. I think it could be built today except for the fact that the price would be much greater and perhaps even prohibitive. I know full well that there are better bearings, plinth materials, vibration isolation, platter materials, phono stage designs and parts, etc. What would a current version of the EMT with use of all this new information sound like?

I also know of the Seiko Epson turntable by Mr. Teragaki Takeshi and how revered and sought after it is. Is it the equal of the EMT.

I'm sure you enjoy your EMT 927. I have once turndown one and would not change my mind were I offered another today.