Will I hear differences between 8TC and 12TC?

Can I expect to hear differences between Kimber Kable 8TC and 12TC speaker cables if I am using relatively small, efficient bookshelf speakers?

B&W DM602 S3's, to be exact.

And if I compared 8TC and 12TC in single, internally biwired runs?

I currently have an 8 foot pair of internally biwired 8TC speaker cables, which I like the sound of, but my final curiosity is if I'd hear improvements in the 12TC, especially because my 8TC is internally biwired, ie only half is powering the woofer / midrange.
There is a popular belief that thicker more robust cable, such as the dedicated subwoofer cables transmit bass better. There is a chance that the dielectric and shielding also affect the sound. Given just those two considerations you may hear a difference . Whether you like it or not is completely subjective.
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If you didn't see, I gave you an answer but it was on your other thread. I didn't see this one until after I posted.