Will increasing size of amp improve sound quality?

My system is a Rotel and includes:
pream RC1070
Amp RB1050
CD RCD 1072
Tuner RT 02
Speakers Klipsch bookshelf 75s

The system is in a den approx. 10x18. I wondered if I increased my power amp to, say, Rotel 1080 would I improve my sound quality overall?
Upgrade the speaker crossover networks will completely improve your speakers. It is easily the best thing I ever did for my audio systems.

I upgrade the Klipsch speaker crossover networks if you're interested.

Thanks to all of you who thus far responded to my question. I am so new at this that I am easily confused. I looked into the Sonus Fiber speakers. Which ones would you recommend? And, I wondered if they are priced by the pair or singly. Bartokfan mentioned moving on. Had you had a bad experience with the Rotel?
Vman: I will show my ignorance. What does it entail to upgrade a cross over network?

With the Klipsch speakers, the majority of the improvement comes from upgrading the caps, resistors and in some cases the iron core inductors. It's not a very difficult thing to do and it greatly improves any Klipsch speaker.

Mike: Thanks for the input. I sm "audio-illiterate". Where would I go to get this done? And, what should I expect from the speakers after the upgrade? And, how much would it cost? Jack