Hi,I have had the new Avalon Isis for about a week now and put about 125 hours on them and I believe this is Avalon finest moment to date.The speaker is big but not a huge footprint 60x14x17 and it is actually more transparent and detailed than the diamond and it has the slam and bass that has never been heard thru a avalon speaker,and to top it off it is 90 db efficient.Mine is still breaking in but I believe you will hear a lot about this speaker before to long.
Strapper,based upon your comments,I'm suspicious of that low a price.If I were in the market,at present,I'd move very cautiously!Thanks!!

Vincent--Thanks,and I hope you have continued good listening!!

Siddh--VERY,VERY interesting post,for me!The Ascent speakers I refer to are the last modded version,which I hope yours were.I'm not sure if you were aware,at the time of your used purchase,but they had a greatly enhanced tweeter mod incorporated at some point which was a huge leap in performance.Also,not as big an improvement as the tweeter mod,but audible,was the woofer mod,which firmed up the bass response.
At the time you owned the speakers,there was a common trend to drive them with Jadis(the exact models you had).I had a friend who had that exact configuration,of JA-200's,and knew of another hobbyist using the Defy 7.Both admitted to never being totally satisfied with the bass/mid bass.The problem was definitely the Jadis amplification,which was not strong in these areas.They both admitted to this.
That being said,I have driven my pair with Audio Research Classic 150's/Krell MD-300 mono blocks/Rowland 8t,with battery power supply/and my latest-Specially modded Rowland 8t,with a Rowland switch mode power supply,instead of the battery,in the second chassis.This last version,which was never offered as a standard product,was done for me by Jeff Rowland,himself,as he knew I wanted to keep the low noise of the battery,but needed more power.The new P/S doubled my power,yet unbelieveably proved to be quieter,more dynamic,and MUCH better at the frequency extremes than the battery.Go figure!I never would have thought it would be this quiet,as the battery was,already dead quiet!

The difference was absolutely amazing to me,and allowed the cabinet mass,and crossover design to really show off a dynamic envelope I'd not had in my big Infinity designs,of the past.
I must state that I DID build my dedicated room around the preferred spec that Avalon told me would be "nearly ideal"!22.5x13x8 Concrete flooring.Not really large,but the original owner's manual was/is dead right about virtually every aspect of performance.Provided one actually follows it's directions.

Except the deep bass!!! Midbass is absolutely stunning,impactful,real,dynamic and pitch perfect.Something NO port can duplicate,though many are fine,but no cigar,as you found out with the Eidolon.(remember Avalon wants to sell speakers,and would sell alot more by eliminating the big crossovers,in the Ascent(even though they are far superior),and extending low response a bit more,through porting,but at a price,in the midbass!!Can't say I blamed them.

SO here is how I saw my situation,at that point.I was at an audio show,listening to the wonderful Sonus Faber Guarnieri Homage monitors,when I looked down at this beautifully crafted smallish(compared to the Wilson design I had pondered)black cabinet.The distributer was Sumiko who told me these were the REL STENTOR SERIES TWO's.After getting a demo,and realizing they run off the amp(a good thing),I got hot to trot,about the idea of really getting the lowest octave.BUT,BUT,BUT--ALL MY FRIENDS thought I was nuts(which I already know I am).They didn't feel it would mate seamlessly,as the Ascents are bullet fast,and REALLY DO have a midbass to die for,in every parameter.If you did not get this,you missed something.Big time!

Well I waited about a year and a half,until a dealer offered me a money back guarantee,as to my being satisfied.The way I saw it,the bass driver,in the REL,was only 10 inches,and down firing.I read as much as I could,and figured it would be quick enough to keep up with the Ascent.So I went for it.

Well,being a typical audiophile,I was thrilled with the combo,but it was really the fact that I was getting off on having really deep bass.It was NOT really a great blend.NOT end of story!Everyone I know,having bought a sub,first goes through this.I guess it's the joy of deep powerful bass.Yet my original intent was to match the laser speed of my midbass.It was not happening,at first.Until my pal,and ruthless in his criticism,if MUSIC is not accurate,Sid showed up.

Well he literally knocked me off my pedestal,of joy,and he was right!So I decided to really integrate the sub,correctly.DON'T ANYONE ASK how long it took me!He did the same to a fairly well known reviewer,who had bought a sub to integrate with his beloved JM Labs Micros(superb little speakers,btw).Same results.

Finally,after giving into music,and not feel good bass,I have gotten a PERFECT blend of midbass/bass/mids/highs,to answer your original question.The sub rolls off gradually,so a bottom of 25 hz is best in my room.NO seams,at all.ONE BIG AVALON SOUND,with the virtue of being able to move the sub around,to find the best placement for proper reinforcement.HARD,TIMELY,WORTH IT!!!

So,I di reiterate that those giving up on these,gave up too soon!

Hello Strapper,

I meant to ask you... what finish did you decide to go with? They all are beautiful! When I broke in my Eidolon Diamonds it took a little over 500hrs before they really started to show their stuff. They actually kept on improving (although more subtle) 500 to 1000 hrs. I hope you are loving every second of it as I did with my Diamonds.

All the best!
Hi Tom,I went with the Maple finish,out of the 3 standard finishes Maple-Walnut-Cherry,I liked it the best.As I put more hours on them they seem to be getting a little more relaxed.Incredible effort by Avalon.
So what is the component cost of these speakers?More Accuton drivers thrown in a box with about 500% mark up!
This sort of stuff should not be encouraged.

As far as I can figure the driver cost alone in the Isis is about 13000.00 not counting the crossover and the wiring.Compare that to the driver cost in a wilson max about 2000.00 to 3000.00 depending on the model they choose.