Hi,I have had the new Avalon Isis for about a week now and put about 125 hours on them and I believe this is Avalon finest moment to date.The speaker is big but not a huge footprint 60x14x17 and it is actually more transparent and detailed than the diamond and it has the slam and bass that has never been heard thru a avalon speaker,and to top it off it is 90 db efficient.Mine is still breaking in but I believe you will hear a lot about this speaker before to long.
Getting back to thw ISIS,for a moment,as I just spoke to the folks at Avalon,it seems that the ISIS is a ported design.Though I'm sure it IS superb,the porting(regardless of mfgr claims)is NOT as accurate in the midbass and bass as a sealed enclosure.I have never heard a ported box that did not have a signature sound.I have heard ALL contenders,like the big JM Labs,biggest NOLA Exotica(deep bass,discontinuous),Wilsons etc.If you have heard a really great sealed enclosure you know what I mean(provided it does the rest of the musical spectrum well).

I have a friend who has held onto his old Infinity RS-1b's,and "mega modded" them.These are sealed box speakers,and when you hear the pitch definition in the lower octaves,that they possess,you are simply bowled over.I really believe,due to the shift in the speaker design industry,to ports which satisfy the average consumer,that it will be an educational experience for any of us to hear a great sealed box design.Sorry for the run-on sentence!

BTW-If I ever own the ISIS,Id happily rationalize these comments!!

I want to confirm Sirspeedy about adding subwoofer to Avalon speakers. It is an awesome system. I use Avalon Avatar with Martin Logan Depth sub-woofer. It takes me year to make them seamless blend together. But when you achieve this stage, you got big reward. One key is to use inconnection cable of subwoofer as same quality as your main interconnection cable. Most people just use inferior interconnection cable because it is for subwoofer, it is not full bandwidth. I went to listen to Avalon Indra. I still prefer my Avalon Avatar with subwoofer. The mid base is died for. However when I listened to Avalon Eidolon Diamond. It is different story. It made me paid deposit to dealer at those day. Now I'm waiting for Eidolon Diamonds to be delivered to my house and be played with my system.

I know the Eidolon Diamond certainly made music here year after year. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have

Hi Tom,

My Avalon Eidolon Diamond was arrived and replaced Avalon Avatar. Now the Martin Logan Depth sub-woofer is not used any more. There is enough bass and it is very high quality bass with pitch, texture, clean and control bass, no any boated or boomy bass. What you get more from Avalon Avatar is that music has much more weight and body. It is like music band is playing in your room, you listen to music band, not hifi reproduction system. The dynamics is effortless, no any compression or stress sound. The music can play loud with very clear instruments, no blur, no congest. I use MIT Oracle IC and MIT Oracle speaker wire. There is palpable singer and superb holographic image of all instruments. The Avalon Eidolon Diamond is very accurate and neutral speakers. It will show any fault in previous system chain, if there is. And it is very sensitive of speakers location placing in room and toe in set up of speakers. If anything wrong, its sound will be just ordinary speakers. If toe in is not enough, no focus image and no soul sound or you will feel not involve in music, lifeless music. But if you set up correct, its sound will be superb excellent sound which you cannot imagine that it reach to this excellent level. I am very happy and plan to add Stealth Audio Indra IC to my system to further improve my hifi system. The Stealth Audio Indra IC is most neutral, accurate, fast and ultra-detail sound IC. I hope that it will lift up my system to next level again!