Wilson Alexia 20x15 Room


I have vandersteen 5A and thinking of changing speaker to Alexia for bigger sound. Will there be any problem with my small 20x15 room. My other gear is all Audio Research

ARC Ref 250
ARC Ref 5 SE
ARC Ref 2 SE .
I do not see any problem with those dimensions especially in light of the Alexia's adjustability.
I'm not sure the Wilson will give you a bigger sound than your 5a. Different yes, bigger, not sure.
For this kind of money I would try it first at your home. And I would take some time to audition to more spakers in this range. You could take a listen to Magico as well. The S5 is sealed, plays easier in a smaller room.
Thank You. I tried that but Could not find any dealers in SF bay Area who will allow home audition.
I love this discussion because my only problem throughout the years with Vandersteens (5, 5A, 7) has been their poor soundstage height reproduction. By chance, that is one of the best characteristics of Wilson's latest creations (Alexia, Sasha II, Duette II). Therefore, yes, I think you will get a bigger sound from Alexias. And your room isn't small at all! But I also agree with Bo1972, the Magico S5s are at least as good as the Alexias and perhaps better for your room, but you have to try both in your room.
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