Wilson Alexia 20x15 Room


I have vandersteen 5A and thinking of changing speaker to Alexia for bigger sound. Will there be any problem with my small 20x15 room. My other gear is all Audio Research

ARC Ref 250
ARC Ref 5 SE
ARC Ref 2 SE .
I love this discussion because my only problem throughout the years with Vandersteens (5, 5A, 7) has been their poor soundstage height reproduction. By chance, that is one of the best characteristics of Wilson's latest creations (Alexia, Sasha II, Duette II). Therefore, yes, I think you will get a bigger sound from Alexias. And your room isn't small at all! But I also agree with Bo1972, the Magico S5s are at least as good as the Alexias and perhaps better for your room, but you have to try both in your room.
I've had several models from both brands, but I do feel that Vandersteen is a better speaker. I can't really tell you what to do because you may not have the same taste's as me, but I can give you 1 piece of advice that may help. The one thing about Vandersteen that most people don't get, even some of the people who own them, is how transparent they are. They let you hear more of what your electronics sound like than any other speaker I know of. With a Vandersteen based system, you can usually change what you don't like with electronics.

But you shouldn't take my word on something like this. You're talking about too much money to just guess. If you can, borrow some gear from people you know, or a dealer. It doesn't really matter if its something you would actually buy, or not. Just do it to confirm my comments on the transparency of your Model 5's. If you don't hear things the same way I do, then maybe new speakers would be a better choice.
I recently heard sasha 2 at a dealer and it definitely made me think about my speaker choice. But as you all said I need to test the new speakers with my setup in my rom. That is hard part as locally there are no dealers who allow in home audition.
I had this problem in the past as well. What I did was that I took all my stuff ( amp/source/cables/conditioner) with me to the person who sold the speakers. It was a very good combo so I bought them. And my house it also did very well. I hope this can help you, good luck.
If Michael Fremer can squeeze Wilsons in a small room, you probably can too.

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