Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

It costs more so it has to sound better.

Don't invest in a gold mine invest in a high end speaker company.

When its put in a cost perspective I can think of a speaker I could hate, or hate to love rather.   
3 dimensional sound is not about money, it is all about properties. But the problem is that knowledge and insight is very limited in audio.

I give you an example; people think when I buy tubes I get a more musical sound and more emotion.

In the last few weeks people visited me who own expensive tube amps; like AudioResearch and Absolare.

They were stunned that my sound is even more involving than their sound and owns so much more layers. These layers influences our emotion the most.  I do not use tubes. Read the articles of the Pass labs XS-300. When I have the money I will buy a set of these.

You have no idea how much further I can get into sound and change each parameter of sound. Audio is your hobby, I earn my money with it. I never saw it as work. It is in my blood. It is inside my head.

I can adjust each single part you judge sound for. With this you can create a superior level in realims what never will be possible by trial and error. Even when you spend 1 million of dollars.

S.A.P. can reveal details which you cannot hear with a pre amp of 50.000 dollar. Money does not create the same level of details. Money will not give the same level in timing. 

It is insane that many companies in audio have been sleeping for a long time. Many think it is still 1980.

Without giving a name, I can garantee for 100% that many highend manufacturers of expensive loudspeakers often use 2 dimensional amps and sources.

They often use the wrong cables. They have no idea of the properties. It is just a guess what they do. But audio does not work like that and it never will. You need to learn to look further!

I've only heard Wilsons in dealers' showrooms.  They have always been playing percussive jazz at high volumes, and the effect was hard and fatiguing, making me want to exit the room a.s.a.p. rather than stay and listen.

That, combined with the price of admission to most of the models, makes them--to me--utterly irrelevant.

Having said that, the Sabrina looks interesting and promising.

Hopefully, the multiple Stereophile recommendations will cause people to buy them up, and then a couple of years from now some will tire of them and pass them on, at which point I might look at them seriously.

@dlcockrum  Well  done  Dave!!  Time to ignore the ranting tirade of know-it-al-ness and insults.

@blackfly I could not agree more with the comment on the absurdity of the WAMM pricing. Who in the real world will ever be able to seriously consider these? I am a happy Wilson owner, but by no means would ever be able to justify such a purchase (not that I have the means) I guess WAMM has a double meaning !! :) LOL

Bye the way, are you still using the S8 V2’s and Bryston

I recently sold my S8 V3’s