Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


It has nothing to do with Monitor Audio or any brand. Tru-Fi is based on properties. There are more brands who own the right properties we need and want.

Tru-Fi is combining properties togheter. The brand or products are of minor importance than the sound we create. You all think in products and brands. We only think and focus on properties.

I will repeat it again: Most of my clients said: when I would have listened to Monitor Audio in audio shops I think I would not have bought it. But the way you create it, it is a sound without any competition.

We understand that people have to hear it. We have a maketing specialist who is looking for options to demo it in the US. The webside first will be in my language. Some time later also in english. It will be a total new approach on both sound&vision. We own Sony Professional video stuff, so we will make videos soon.

Shouting won't help, Bo.
I think most readers here do understand "it" just fine, by the way. It's pretty clear that causes you a lot of frustration!

Now we have strong recommendations from Bo (and many others) of MA Platinum speakers. Also the Lumin S1 modded by Bo.

Clearly, Bo, you feel strongly that you have a secret recipe/method for assembling superior sounding systems that you also feel to be proprietary. Perhaps you do. Audiophiles are a skeptical lot (understatement) and don’t typically trust others to spend their money.

Playing "I’ve got a secret" is not very helpful to the audio world. Are you willing to seek out and participate in some hi-end shows such that your setups and their sound quality can be shared with others in a credible way?

Until you do that, your mini novels are not going to promote more interest than they already have. The harder you try to sell, the less others will perceive your credibility or value your input.


It has nothing to do with Monitor Audio or any brand. Tru-Fi is based on properties. There are more brands who own the right properties we need and want.

Tru-Fi is combining properties togheter. The brand or products are of minor importance than the sound we create. You all think in products and brands. We only think and focus on properties.

I will repeat it again: Most of my clients said: when I would have listened to Monitor Audio in audio shops I think I would not have bought it. But the way you create it, it is a sound without any competition. 

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........oh, I'm sorry, I must have dosed off there for a second.
Please bo, could you run that scintillating theory of Tru-Fi by me again???!!!
Bo...I repeat from a previous post, is an audio zealot.  He has found his flavor of audio truth and simply cannot accept that others have taken a different pathway to their audio truth.  As Plutos mentioned in his post, "there is some truth to Bo's mantra".  Of course the dimensionality of a system is a quality most of us can appreciate.  But so to is timbre, pace, soundstage and numerous other characteristics we use to identify when listening to and comparing equipment.  Obviously, this dimensionality is a characteristic that resonates with Bo's emotions.  Good for him.  Just don't be surprised and frustrated that it just might not resonate with everyone the same as it does with you.  These are mutually exclusive situations.  If I am engaged and drawn into a musical performance for reasons other than dimensionality who are you Bo to tell me that my experience is invalid?  Just, lower yourself a little bit from your high horse.