is this your web page and is this your system setup?
to Crazyeddy’s thread subject.
Personally. I have known two Wilson speaker owners over the years, of which I actually heard their systems. This was a long time ago. Both were using their shared living rooms and were married. The first guy had speakers on castors and was anal about room positioning. He would roll them out to the tape markings on the floor when listening and push them back to the front wall when not in use. The second fellow, he had them arranged along the front wall, very similar to the system shown in Bo1972’s url link above. Both could be described as audiophiles and music lovers. Different expectations.
is this your web page and is this your system setup?
to Crazyeddy’s thread subject.
Personally. I have known two Wilson speaker owners over the years, of which I actually heard their systems. This was a long time ago. Both were using their shared living rooms and were married. The first guy had speakers on castors and was anal about room positioning. He would roll them out to the tape markings on the floor when listening and push them back to the front wall when not in use. The second fellow, he had them arranged along the front wall, very similar to the system shown in Bo1972’s url link above. Both could be described as audiophiles and music lovers. Different expectations.